mobile weighing

ManDos - Mobile

The mobile manual weighing system
Small ingredient automation
Small ingredient automation
  • for effective and mobile manual
  • processing,
  • monitoring and
  • documentation

Preferred applications

Mobile manual weighing systems are able:
  • to cover different storage areas using one system (e.g. cooled and non cooled storage rooms),
  • to move through long storage rows and to weigh without costly and time consuming material transports,
  • to handle a picking concept
    and therefore mobile systems can get the requested flexibility of the customers.


Identifying and testing raw materials
The system can identify raw materials with the integrated barcode or with the RFID reading units. It is possible to carry out a subsequent plausibility check on the consistency of the material, the usability of the raw material lot and is shelflife.

Container identification and taring
The destination containers can also be identified. The central server can be used to check its cleaning status or its previous use. The scales are then tared and can be used.

The weighing process
The operator is guided through the weighing process by a large weight display and a graphic weighing beam. Goods can be weighed against a nominal weight or zero.

Completing and logging the weighing process
When the tolerance range for weighing has been reached, the operator can end the weighing process, record the actual value and start the next weighing operation.