The big bag is a cheap and practical container for conveying and storing bulk goods and has become indispensable over the years. Dumping systems for big bags must meet a wide range of requirements and must function under many different circumstances. For example, big bags have different sizes and designs, different purposes and have to operate in different types of space. Irrespective of whether you use big bags as storage containers or whether you want to discharge them completely into silos:
AZOs coordinated modular technology always offers a clean solution.
Our sophisticated system solutions for dumping big bags guarantee:
- Easy handling in transport and docking
- Continuous conveying, even with difficult products
- High standards of safety with protection for the operators, plant and product
- Low-dust discharging
- ATEX-compliant solutions
- Easy to clean
- Meet all customer requirements fully, even in the food and pharmaceuticals industries
- Efficient systems for almost every throughput capacities
- High quality systems and low maintenance costs