Remote Service

Remote Service – it‘s simple

Maximum security and efficiency
Remote Service
AZO Remote Service
  • Short response paths
  • Straightforward maintenance and diagnostics
  • Certificate-based and encrypted
  • Complies with IT and security standards

Preferred applications

Modern production and logistics concepts form the basis of global trade. This requires great distances to be crossed with ease. Problems only arise when maintenance work is needed that can only be carried out with the help of the service technician.
So that the technician does not need to fly halfway around the world, the role of Remote Service is becoming ever more important. Rapid service even in the remotest corner of the world. And it goes without saying that the connection is both certificate-based and encrypted.
The Remote Service system is based on the SIEMENS SINEMA Remote Connect solution.
The management platform SIEMENS SINEMA Remote Connect is a server application that provides for rapid integration into new and existing networks.
Using SINEMA Remote Connect, AZO is able to service systems or machines around the world conveniently and securely via remote access. All that is required is a telephone, Internet or mobile cellular connection to the production plant.
This ensures a secure VPN tunnel connection (Virtual Private Network) between AZO (remote maintenance environment) and the customer network in which the plant sections to be serviced are installed.
The support team member at AZO and the SIEMENS SCALANCE router at the customer‘s site establish independent connections to the SINEMA Connect server. The identity of both participants is verified by means of certificates before access to the machine is permitted.


If you have an urgent maintenance requirement, you, the customer, should first inform our expert Remote Service team who are familiar with the area.
Then – directly in your system – you should manually actuate the key switch, which is an additional security level that grants access to the system in principle. This does not require any specific IT knowledge.
Once you have carried out this manual authorisation step, the SCALANCE router located in the system establishes a VPN tunnel (Virtual Private Network) to the rendezvous server at AZO in Germany.
By using the rendezvous server in the demilitarised zone, you can be guaranteed maximum security for your Remote Service. This is because, since you manually authorise all maintenance access, the concept does not allow any one-sided access to third-party networks.
The service technician at AZO then likewise establishes a VPN tunnel to the rendezvous server.
As soon as the required identification for both participants – by means of certificate – is successfully presented to the rendezvous server and access is permitted in accordance with the rule definition, the rendezvous server enables the continuous connection. Only then is the service technician allowed to access the item requiring maintenance.
What‘s more, all activities are logged continually so that access events can be traced at any time.
SIEMENS SINEMA routers support LAN, WLAN and mobile cellular standards. This is a convenient, high-security concept which allows experienced specialists
to carry out maintenance with-out needing to be on site to do so.
We would be happy to put together a customised service package for you, tailored perfectly to your needs, from our flexible service portfolio.
Get in touch – we can provide a comprehensive consultation on a cost-optimised solution and how to use it effectively in the specific context of your company.