Vibration bottom ensures material delivery

Plastisol/coating systems

PVC pastes
Vibration bottom ensures material delivery
Automatic vacuum weighing systems
Negative weighing technique for liquids
Additive weighing technique

The task

  • Discharge of sack goods and transport into the buffer silos
  • Conveying and weighing of large components (PVC and fillers)
  • Conveying and weighing of liquid components such as plasticisers
  • Preparation of colour buffer with dosing in the dissolver
  • Automatic dissolver feeding with subsequent paste handling

The Solution

Automatic raw material handling in the production of PVC pastes
  • The large components PVC and fillers such as chalk are stored in external silos. The storage silos can be filled by silo vehicles as well as by an automatic sack emptying station with subsequent screening.
  • For each of the different mixing lines, a conveying scale is available, which is filled from the storage silos via suction weighing with the raw materials.
  • The preparation of the liquid components and the production of premixes in paste form are also carried out via the AZO system.
  • The liquid components, such as e.g. plasticisers are stored in liquid tanks and pumped into a liquid scale which is located above the dissolvers of the respective mixing line. Fine control valves allow precise dosing and additive weighing into the liquid scale.
  • The raw materials required for the colour batch production are available in both liquid and powder form. The liquid components are stored in drums or containers and semi-automated, the dry materials are weighed in via a manual sack feeding station and fed to the premix pastes.
  • After the dissolver process, the finished pastes are stored in storage tanks and from there are made available to the subsequent processes.
  • The complete system, including the dissolver, is controlled, monitored and completely documented by the AZO process control and visualisation system as well as the PLC.
  • The entire system can be viewed using remote maintenance.

Name of contact

AZO GmbH & Co. KG | Thomas Stegmeier | Head of Technical Sales AZO®Chem/AZO®Poly

Thomas Stegmeier
Head of Technical Sales AZO®Chem/AZO®Poly