The AZO ShuttleDos® system is the right choice wherever fully automatic batch preparation involving a wide variety of recipes with numerous components in a closed system as well as strict line separation and avoidance of contamination is required. Up to 20 batches per hour with up to ten exactly weighed components within a weighing range from 100 gram to several hundred kilograms – AZO innovation is tailor-made for challenges like these. The clever design makes the innovative AZO system capable of delivering an exemplary level of automation which has not been achieved before, furthermore many of the key technologies involved have been patented.
Special advantages
- Energy-efficient, climate-friendly operation
- Cost-effective solution
- Greater throughput than conventional container systems
- Dust-free, contamination-free docking and undocking by AZO CleanDock®
- Low-maintenance and easy to clean design
- Universally applicable